Friday, May 20, 2011

Vectorize Your Images For Sharp And Clear Clarity

If you want sharp and clear images for marketing or promotional purposes, you need to make sure that you Vectorize your images before putting them to print. One of the biggest problems that you might face with any image or a corporate logo is the blurred outlook on large size prints. It defeats the purpose of the promotion completely and Picture restoration techniques need to be used to bring back the clarity. However, sophisticated vector imaging styles can result in great quality pictures for your needs, no matter how big the size might be.

One of the reasons why many clients choose Photographic restoration for their images is the fact that they can get the same quality on a thumbnail image as well as a large scale print. This is extremely useful for billboards and hoardings that have large sizes images for marketing of products. In fact, if you choose to go with the convert to vector principle, you might end up having a lot of additional benefits. The multiple touchups that are possible can even enhance the quality and details of the image. Thus, the resulting images would remain crisp and clear, perfect for your requirements.

The secret behind vector conversion lies behind a series of complex mathematical formulas and equations. Every image or logo is composed of a set of dots or pixels that provide the clarity and the resolution. When the normal or raster image is stretched to a higher size, the pixels also get stretched from their normal position leading to a blurred outcome. However, when you vector a picture, a mathematical formula is used to reposition the pixels based on the size and enhancement. The picture maintains its original clarity during the raster to vector conversion and the blurred pixilation is replaced by high quality enhancement at all sizes.

You could also make other enhancements to your image when you take a logo and redraw to vector before putting it to print. Additional details can be changed or erased as per your wishes and the overall textures can also be sharpened to your liking. Most clients prefer a vector based method because it produces the best available image quality for any size of the image. The standard eps vector art is sought after among professional companies and there are quite a few companies that deal with such procedures.

When you choose a company to provide vector based restoration for your images and logos, you should get them to convert to eps for the best results. It is best to have a look at the quality of their past projects before giving them the work. Any company that has a good experience of handling projects from multiple clients and can Vectorize your pictures and logos quickly should be your top preference.

1 comment:

  1. What a very good article. I appreciate your post.We are an vector conversion Company. Recently we have post an article about add brushes to photoshop and Vehicles Background Replacement. Please check out. Thanks
