Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Raster to Vector Conversion

When it comes to technology; the more cutting edge it is, the better. The same holds true for computer images. You can now turn those low resolution boring pictures into high resolution images that truly inspire. And the best way to do so is by raster to vector conversion. Here’s more on what it is and why it’s so very important. 

Previously, raster images were commonly saved by people around the world. However, the files had certain flaws that can now be overcome with the help of vector conversion. For instance, Raster’s use of pixels to define images typically result in blurred pictures. And with high resolution images, it is difficult to guarantee picture clarity. 

The only way to salvage the same is to convert to vector. Vector images are infinitely more sophisticated when it comes to presentation and are based on mathematical calculations that allow for image modification at a fast pace vector conversion. Images in this format are defined in paths and not pixels; and as a result; are sharper and neater. With vector conversion, you can transform raster to vector graphics for a more lucid image. 

Enlargement of images without compromising on quality is one of the primary features of vector conversion. Raster images lose their picture quality when resized; while vector files manage to hold on to their image clarity and can be printed at any resolution or size.
Another disadvantage of raster images is the fact that while they may be viewed; they cannot be edited in any way. Professionals working with CAD, often find this to be a major handicap. However, with the advent of vector conversion; they can now import images in this file format into CAD files. 

The process of converting raster to vector is known as vectorization. It is utilized extensively in industrial as well as commercial applications. It is typically used to vectorize technical drawings, graphics, maps, etc for convenient archiving and access.
Vectorization is also used to change the appearance of photographs to resemble paintings or drawings. For Geographic Information systems (GIS); the process is used to create maps derived from satellite or aerial images. Resizing of the images is also available. 

Today, there are various software that allow you to convert raster to vector graphics. These vector images can be imported and edited without hassle. Converted vector files are compatible with most popular image applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, AutoCAD and others. With vectorization, you can convert paper based drawings and redraw to vector.  

Rasters to vector conversions are expected to become the norm in the very near future.  Based on this, there are many up and coming companies, who offer conversion services at a very affordable fee. However, always compare quotes, work pace and other available options before hiring one.


  1. Just found your blog while searching Raster to Vector conversion services. How much you charge for conversion?

  2. Raster to vector conversion has revolutionized the digital art landscape, offering unparalleled flexibility and scalability. With vector art, designers can create crisp, clean graphics that can be resized infinitely without losing quality. However, not all artwork starts as vectors, often requiring vector art conversion to unlock its full potential.
